Testing Storybook Components in Any Browser – Without Writing Any New Tests!
Learn how to automatically do ultrafast cross-browser testing for Storybook components without needing to write any new test automation code.
Learn how to automatically do ultrafast cross-browser testing for Storybook components without needing to write any new test automation code.
Is Remix too new to be visually tested? Let’s find out with Applitools and Cypress.
Learn how you can run cross browser tests against any stock browser using Playwright – not just the browser projects like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, and not just Chrome and Edge.
“Full” test automation is approaching. We are riding the crest of the next great wave: autonomous testing. It will fundamentally change testing.
How are you going to fund a common test automation team? There are a few approaches.
After our webinar on Cross Browser Testing with Cypress we had so many great questions we couldn’t answer them all at the time, so we’re tackling them now.
Learn how you can run cross-browser Cypress tests against any browser, including Safari, IE and mobile browsers.
Learn the reasons why traditional approaches to software quality cannot scale to meet the needs of modern software delivery.
Learn what Visual AI is, how it’s applied today, and why it’s critical across many industries – in particular software development and testing.
In this step-by-step tutorial, learn how to use visual locators to target anything you need to test in your application and how it can help you create tests that are more resilient and robust.
Catch a recap of my recent keynote, where I spoke about the context and the criteria required to make any test automation framework the “best.”
I have been testing Analytics for the past 10+ years. In the initial days, it was very painful and error-prone, as I was doing this manually. Over the years, as…