Autonomous 2.0 is here! AI-Assisted Interactive Authoring and More

News, Product — Published July 30, 2024

We’re excited to announce a major upgrade to the Applitools Intelligent Testing Platform: Autonomous 2.0! Packed with powerful new features and enhancements, Autonomous 2.0 enables any team member – regardless of coding skills – to create, execute, and analyze automated tests.

One of our goals with our AI-powered end-to-end testing platform is to provide a flexible test authoring experience that ranges from fully autonomous to describing steps in plain English with AI assistance to no-code recording to coding in your preferred language and framework. This gives your teams the most comprehensive test creation options of any tool on the market while enabling them to leverage any existing tests and automation they’ve built out. We believe utilizing AI in test creation, validation, maintenance, and analysis is the only way to maximize test coverage for complex, modern apps and keep pace with new code deployments – especially now with AI coding assistants.

Autonomous 2.0 is delivering on that goal in a way that no other AI-powered testing platform can: by combining new GenAI technology and proven no-code approaches with our own Visual AI that we’ve iterated on for over 10 years and trained with over 4 billion application images. It’s proven AI testing technology that’s been catching and pinpointing visual and functional bugs for our customers for years. Add in self-healing and ultrafast, stable execution over thousands of combinations of browsers, devices, and screen sizes, and you see why Applitools Intelligent Testing Platform is unmatched in AI-powered end-to-end testing.

What’s New in Autonomous 2.0?

AI-Assisted Interactive Custom Flow Authoring

With AI-assisted interactive custom flow authoring, you can write test steps in plain English, record them in an interactive browser, and debug in real-time – all on the same screen (no browser extension needed). Test steps are output in plain English that can be edited later, and all written steps are checked by our  auto-correcting language model, ensuring smooth, efficient test authoring without the hassle of syntax errors.

Expanded Functional and API Testing Capabilities

Everything you can do with coded tests can now be done by describing the test steps in plain English. That includes Visual AI assertions, comprehensive functional assertions, HTTP request initiations, and effortless dynamic data handling. This upgrade significantly boosts your functional and API testing capabilities, all without having to write a single line of code.

Easier Results Analysis and Test Maintenance

Analyzing test results and maintaining tests is now easier than ever. Our improved UX provides a seamless experience, from high-level analysis of complete test plans to detailed breakdowns of individual test steps. Plus, our platform automatically adjusts baseline regions following application changes, reducing the need for manual adjustments.

Feature Highlights of Autonomous 2.0

Interactive Custom Flow Test Authoring

  • No-Code Test Authoring: Record UI interactions in an interactive browser and describe them in plain English.
  • Real-Time Debugging: Identify and fix issues on the fly with our interactive debugging tool.
  • No Local Installation: Author and debug tests on the same infrastructure they’ll execute on.

Language Model Enhancements

  • Auto-Correct and Simplify: Our language model auto-corrects and simplifies step descriptions for better readability and consistency.
  • Break Down Complex Commands: Simplifies complex commands into more manageable steps.

Functional Data Assertions

  • Verify Dynamic Data: Combine visual and functional assertions (non-visual) to verify text, numeric values, element visibility, and more.
  • Boolean Operators: Use logical operators to create more robust test conditions.

API Call Initiation

  • HTTP Requests: Initiate HTTP requests with custom headers and cookies, and store responses for use in later test steps.
  • Application State Management: Reset application states before or after test execution without complex UI flows.

Enhanced Results Review Experience

  • Improved UX: Enjoy an interactive summary of test statuses, detailed issue breakdowns, visual diffs, and more.

Ready for an AI-assisted testing challenge?

We’re confident that Autonomous can enable any of your team members to create, execute, and analyze tests. Don’t believe us? Have any member of your team who doesn’t write automated tests today sign up for a free trial of Autonomous (e.g. manual testers, designers, product owners, business analysts), and see what they can contribute to your test coverage. Guaranteed you’ll be amazed!

Are you ready?

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