The Role of Automation in Mobile Continuous Testing
Bitrise Developer Advocate, Moataz Nabil, explores what automated Mobile Continuous Testing entails and which tools, practices and processes can be used.
Bitrise Developer Advocate, Moataz Nabil, explores what automated Mobile Continuous Testing entails and which tools, practices and processes can be used.
Have you ever listened to algorithmically-generated music that is coded live in front of you? Dan Gorelick kicks off the algorave jams during our halftime show and offers insight on the process for how code can be used as an instrument to create music on-the-fly. (Glow sticks not included.)
Lightning talk presentations by Anand Bagmar, Rafaela Azevedo, and Nikolay Advolodkin.
In this session, Julia will share how she overcame one of her greatest fears of career stagnation and she pushed through to now being the Head of Training and Development.
In this keynote, we will look at ways a team can be more open about testing.
Test Automation University is the best example of sharing in our industry. Applitools has shared time and energy, to gather industry specialists to share their knowledge to the scale of…
Lightning talk presentations by Patrick Döring, Beth Marshall, Mike Clark, and Rudolf Groetz.
Learn a handful of techniques for metatesting (or testing the tester), including “the questions”. Come away from this session with the secrets only the best testers know and the ability to wield them for good in your testing.
In this session, Pip will share her perspective on achieving automation tests that work.
In this talk, Marie will share with you a collection of her favorite Cypress features.
In this presentation, Carlos will take you through his career journey and give you 6 tips that you can use to accelerate your growth and your career.