Later this week, we’re joining test automation and Selenium experts and practitioners for SeleniumConf Chicago 2018, which will take place at the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North.
What is SeleniumConf? SeleniumConf (@seleniumconf, #SeConfChicago) is an annual software testing conference hosted by our friends in the Selenium community and takes place in two locations throughout the year: one in the USA and one in India. The conference features the top minds in software testing and Selenium sharing the latest updates and best practices on stage and through conference networking opportunities. This year’s USA conference is taking place in Chicago, Illinois from October 18 – 19.
We’ll explore, share and learn about the latest trends in Selenium, as well as deep-dive into topics like accessibility testing, visual regression testing, AI in software testing, and more. We will be taking the stage alongside prominent members and users of Selenium, as well as our test automation friends from all over the glob.

We are also scheduled to deliver a keynote and a talk:
First keynote of the conference features Applitools Senior Developer Advocate and test automation thought leader Angie Jones.
On Thursday, October 18 at 9:40 a.m. CST, Angie will deliver her keynote: “Level Up: Playing the Automation Game” where she shares the key aspects to game design and how she has utilized them to help her navigate automation projects. Learn how gaming concepts can help you get to your next level!
Then, on Friday, October 19, at 2:15 p.m. CST, Tomer Steinfeld, a frontend developer at Applitools, presents “Designing the New Selenium IDE”.

“But I thought Selenium IDE was dead?” you might be thinking. True, Selenium IDE was deprecated by the Selenium community. But since it’s used by test automation professionals around the world, we here at Applitools on bringing it back, as a way to help the open source testing community. In this talk, Tomer will discuss the difficulties of restarting the Selenium IDE project, its design, and how you can use it for all types of testing, as well as in your CI pipeline.
As Platinum Sponsor, we’re thrilled to support SeleniumConf Chicago. You can find us at the exhibition foyer during exhibit hours. We’re excited to share the latest visual testing and monitoring techniques that support automation and improved visual UI testing through the Application Visual Management (AVM) approach.
We’re also looking forward to sharing the latest from Applitools Eyes, our Automated Visual AI Testing Platform. Some of the latest features include UI Version Control that lets you build software smarter by capturing the entire visual history of your apps, so you have a record of what’s been changed, by whom, and when — and what should be rolled back if necessary. Plus, stay on the lookout for an exciting new announcement coming soon that will help developers achieve ultra-fast visual validation of their web applications and components! Stop by our booth at the expo to learn more, and get your hands on our “visually perfect” swag!
Additionally, Applitools Eyes offers UI baseline management, team collaboration, a wide range of integrations with testing frameworks like Selenium, and extensive analytics dashboards — eliminating the stress of manual visual testing through its AI features. This helps ensure a visually perfect user experience on every single browser and device.
We hope to see you there!
If you don’t get a chance to connect with us at SeleniumConf Chicago 2018, reach out or sign up for a free Applitools account.