Closing & Keynote: Where Is My Flying Car?! Test Automation in the Space Age
The animated 60s sitcom, The Jetsons, predicted some of the inventions we see today like robots, holograms, 3D printed objects, smart devices, and drones. However, we are quite a ways off from the complete promises of the automated eutopia.
In this keynote, Angie Jones explores the importance of embracing AI and automation in testing. She highlights the need for testers to adapt their skills and explore new areas of testing, such as conversational AI, virtual and augmented reality, and the Internet of Things. Jones also emphasizes the role of human judgment and expertise in evaluating AI-driven systems and addresses the challenges and opportunities that come with extensive use of AI in testing.
Topics covered:
- History of test automation and evolution of test automation tools
- Embracing AI in testing
- Role of human testers in AI-driven testing and upskilling in AI technologies
- Challenges in the extensive use of AI
- Evaluating bots and AI solutions in testing
- Speakers
- Angie Jones, Global Vice President of Developer Relations, TBD @ BLOCK