Software Development is Changing—Be Prepared.

In our rapidly evolving technological world, strategic maneuvers are crucial for staying ahead. Enhancing throughput and ensuring the security of code are priorities for development leaders, all while managing these tasks without potentially expanding their team. And this year, with the incredible advancements of AI, leaders are encountering fresh challenges distinct from those of just a year or two ago.

This 2024 report is the first annual edition of Forrester’s top recommendations for software leaders covering all facets of software development, guiding leaders towards executing and gearing up for the next wave of innovation in 2025. Harness the insights of tomorrow to unleash your development team’s potential. Simply put—this report offers indispensable insights that software leaders truly can’t ignore.

What you’ll learn in this report:

  • Why and how using platforms will elevate your development practice
  • How to starting using/investing in AI today
  • Where to continue investing to shore up safe development practices

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