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List batch results

Lists the results of all the tests (sessions) in a batch.


GET /batches/{batchId}?[start=<start-date>][&end=<end-date>][&statsOnly=true/false][&steps=true/false]


batchIdstringpathThe Batch's ID or Pointer ID.
startdatequeryOptional The beginning date and time for the search range.
enddatequeryOptional The end date and time for the search range.
stepsboolqueryOptional If true will return data of all individual steps.
statsOnlyboolqueryOptional If true will only return the statistics summary, without the results list.

The start and end dates are optional with the following logic:

  • If both are absent, all tests in the batch are returned.
  • If both are specified, all tests in the inclusive range are returned.
  • If only “start” is specified, all tests since the given start date are returned (inclusive).
  • If only “end” is specified, all tests until the given end date are returned (inclusive).

You can think of it as if all tests in the batch are collected, then filtered by the start date if present, then filtered again by the end date if present.

Response example

"statistics": {
"pointerId": "<my_batch_ID>",
"passed": 76,
"tests": [
"testId": "00000251724201037633",
"testName": "some test name",
"branchName": "default",
"runBy": "",
"assignedTo": "",
"startTime": "2023-06-15T13:45:30.0000000+00:00",
"env": {
"device": "desktop",
"os": "windows",
"app": "chrome",
"viewport": {
"width": 1200,
"height": 900
"status": "passed",
"properties": [
"name": "some name",
"value": "some value"
}, ...
"accessibilityStatus": {
"guidelines": "WCAG_2_0",
"level": "AA",
"status": "Failed",
"violations": 0
"steps": [
"name": "",
"isMatching": false,
"remarks": [
"title": "Remark 1",
"discussionId": "de63c4b7-079e-4e90-94da-b8b12c81495b"
}, ...
"issues": [
"failTests": true,
"snoozeUntil": "2022-11-30T15:19:29.0000000+02:00",
"title": "Issue 1",
"discussionId": "dbb17a0d-37fe-4176-9de8-a616872a1ec2"
}, ...
"accessibilitySettings": {
"guidelines": "WCAG_2_0",
"level": "AAA"
}, ...

cURL example

curl -H "X-Eyes-Api-Key: <your-api-key>" -X GET "<my_batch_ID>"