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Specifying Type Of Checkpoint In Cypress

Types of Checkpoints

There are 3 different types of checkpoints that can be taken with the Cypress SDK:

  1. Full Page (default): Capture the entire page
  2. Viewport: Capture what is shown in the browser's viewport without scrolling
  3. Region: Capture a specific portion of a page based on coordinates or a specific Element on the page

The type of screenshot captured is configured using the target and fully configuration options:

Full Page Screenshot'window' (default)true (default)Captures a fullpage screenshot.
Viewport Screenshot'window' (default)falseCaptures only what is shown in the browser's viewport.
Full Region Screenshot'region'true (default)Capture a specific region on the page coupled with a region or selector configuration indicating the region bounds. If the region you're targeting is scrollable, captures the full region including the parts hidden by the scroll bar.
Region Screenshot'region'falseCapture a specific region on the page coupled with a region or selector configuration indicating the region bounds. Only captures the visible portion of the region on the page and will not scroll.

Full Page

// Capture a full page screenshot
tag: "Login page", // optional
target: 'window', // default
fully: true // default

Since this is the default behavior, the target and fully values are not required in this case however they are included for clarity.


// Capture a viewport screenshot
tag: "Login page", // optional
target: 'window', // default
fully: false

Setting fully: false indicates that we want to capture only what's shown in the browser's viewport.


To capture a region screenshot, change the target parameter to region. Then, we must specify the desired region using the selector, element or region configuration option.

Region (Element Selector)
target: 'region',
selector: '.my-element'

This will capture the region of the page defined by the Element's bounding box taht is passed into the selector configuration option.

The selector option will accept a CSS Selector by default but you can also specify an xPath:

target: 'region',
selector: {
type: 'xpath',
selector: '//button[1]'
Region (Element Reference)
.then(doc => {
const el = document.querySelector('div')
target: 'region',
element: el

Above, we're selecting an element on the page and then passing that element reference directly to the element configuration option.

Region (Coordinates)
target: 'region',
region: {top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 200}

This will capture the region of the page defined by the coordinates passed into the region configuration option.

Region (Full)

If the HTML element or selector you're targeting is scrollable, you can capture the entire scrollable element by adding the fully: true configuration option:

target: 'region',
selector: '.my-element',
fully: true
Region (Shadow DOM)

If you're targeting a region within Shadow DOM, you'll need to pass an array of JSON objects to the selector confifguration containing:

  • The shadow root element selector (css selector only)
  • The element you're trying to capture (css selector only)
target: 'region',
selector: [
type: 'css',
selector: '.shadow-root',
nodeType: 'shadow-root'
type: 'css',
selector: '.target-element',
nodeType: 'element'

Match levels

You can configure the Visual AI match level for each checkpoint by using the matchLevel configuration argument.

Strict Match Level (Default)

matchLevel: 'Strict'

Layout Match Level

matchLevel: 'Layout'

Ignore Colors Match Level

matchLevel: 'Ignore Colors'

Coded Regions

Applitools SDKs allow you to configure your Visual AI checkpoints with regions that peform different functions:

LayoutMatch LevelApply the Layout Match Level at the specified region of the page
Ignore ColorsMatch LevelApply the Ignore Colors Match Level at the specified region of the page
StrictMatch LevelApply the Strict Match Level at the specified region of the page
IgnoreMatch LevelIgnore visual AI validation at the specified region of the page
FloatUtilityAllow a specified element to move in a predetermined space before failing the test
AccessibilityUtilityPerform an Accessibility AI checkpoint on the specified region
In Depth Guides

Checkout our in depth guides on Choosing a Match Level as well as Working with Regions for more details.

The above configuration options accept the following types of input:

CoordinatesAn object containing top, left, width and height propertieslayout: {top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 100}
CSS SelectorA CSS selector that references an element on the pageignore: {selector: '.my-selector'}
xPath SelectorAn xPath selector that references an element on the pageignoreColors: {type: 'xPath', selector: '//button[1]'}
Element ReferenceA variable containing a reference to an element on the pagelayout: elemRef

When using a selector argument, all elements that match the specified selector will have a region around them. Be sure to choose your selector carefully to avoid unexpected results.

Each region type will accept a single argument or an array of arguments of any type.

Layout Region

To specify a Layout Match Level region, use the layout configuration option:

// Pass a single option
layout: {selector: '.my-selector'}

// Pass an array to select multiple regions
layout: [
{top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 100},
{selector: '.my-selector'}

cy.get('.my-selector').then($el => {
// Pass element reference
layout: $el

Ignore Colors Region

To specify a Strict Match Level region, use the ignoreColors configuration option:

// Pass a single option
strict: {selector: '.my-selector'}

// Pass an array to select multiple regions
strict: [
{top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 100},
{selector: '.my-selector'}

cy.get('.my-selector').then($el => {
// Pass element reference
layout: $el

Strict Region

To specify a Strict Match Level region, use the strict configuration option:

// Pass a single option
strict: {selector: '.my-selector'}

// Pass an array to select multiple regions
strict: [
{top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 100},
{selector: '.my-selector'}

cy.get('.my-selector').then($el => {
// Pass element reference
layout: $el

Ignore Region

To specify an Ignore region, use the ignore configuration option:

// Pass a single option
ignore: {selector: '.my-selector'}

// Pass an array to select multiple regions
ignore: [
{top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 100},
{selector: '.my-selector'}

cy.get('.my-selector').then($el => {
// Pass element reference
ignore: $el

Float Region

To specify a Float region, use the floating configuration option. This region type requires some extra options as arguments.

A floating region is actually a combination of two regions:

  1. a region around the element that you're selecting
  2. a "bounding" region that specifies where this element can "float" or move until it is flagged as a difference.

In addition to the selector, region or element option, you must also configure the following options that define the 2nd "bounding" region mentioned above:

  1. maxUpOffset
  2. maxDownOffset
  3. maxLeftOffset
  4. maxRightOffset
// Pass a single option
floating: {selector: '.my-selector', maxUpOffset: 20, maxDownOffset: 20, maxLeftOffset: 20, maxRightOffset: 20}

// pass an array to select multiple regions
floating: [
{top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 100, maxUpOffset: 20, maxDownOffset: 20, maxLeftOffset: 20, maxRightOffset: 20},
{selector: '.some-div-to-float', maxUpOffset: 20, maxDownOffset: 20, maxLeftOffset: 20, maxRightOffset: 20}

cy.get('.my-selector').then($el => {
// Pass element reference
floating: {element: $el, maxUpOffset: 20, maxDownOffset: 20, maxLeftOffset: 20, maxRightOffset: 20}

Accessibility Region

To specify an Accessibility region, use the accessibility configuration option. This region type requires some extra options as arguments.

In addition to the selector, region or element option, you must also configure the accessibilityType value which accepts the following options:

  1. IgnoreContrast: Prevent an accessibility check from occurring in the specified region.
  2. RegularText: Perform a regular text accessibility check.
  3. LargeText: Perform a large text accessibility check.
  4. BoldText: Perform a bold text accessibility check.
  5. GraphicalObject: Perform a graphical object accessibility check.
// Pass a single option
accessibility: {selector: '.my-selector', accessibilityType: 'RegularText'}

// pass an array to select multiple regions
accessibility: [
{top: 100, left: 0, width: 1000, height: 100, accessibilityType: 'LargeText'},
{selector: '.my-selector', accessibilityType: 'RegularText'}

cy.get('.my-selector').then($el => {
// Pass element reference
accessibility: {element: $el, accessibilityType: 'GraphicalObject'}

Region Padding

All region types allow for optional padding to increase the size of the region that is created with a selector or element argument. By default, regions will be sized to the bounding box of the corresponding web element. The padding options shown below offer more flexibility by letting you increase the size in each direction when needed:

// Pass a single option
layout: {selector: '.my-selector', padding: {left: 20, top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 10}}

Responsive Web Pages

Layout Breakpoints

This configuration offers the ability to handle Viewport Dependent Javscript by resizing the local browser to the specified widths when capturing a Visual AI checkpoint.

layoutBreakpoints: [500, 1000]

Instead of an array of widths, you can also pass in true which will resize the browser to each of the widths specified in your Ultrafast Grid browser configuration:

browser: [
{width: 1300, height: 1050, name: 'chrome'},
{width: 1000, height: 1000, name: 'firefox'},
{width: 800, height: 1000, name: 'safari'}
// Will resize to 1300, 1000 & 800 based on the browser config above
layoutBreakpoints: true

You can optionally include a reload argument that will reload the page in between browser resizing events.

layoutBreakpoints: {breakpoints: [500, 1000], reload: true}

You can also apply a waitBeforeCapture timeout that will run in between each resize event:

layoutBreakpoints: {breakpoints: [500, 1000]},
waitBeforeCapture: 1000 // wait 1 second

Lazy Loading

Gracefully handle lazy loaded content on web pages using the lazyLoad configuration. This configures the SDK to scroll the entire page (or a specific length of the page) to make sure all lazyily loaded assets are on the page before performing a Visual AI Checkpoint.

// Run with default settings

// Run with custom settings
lazyLoad: {
maxAmountToScroll: 1000, // total pixels of the page to be scrolled
scrollLength: 250, // amount of pixels to use for each scroll attempt
waitingTime: 500, // milliseconds to wait in-between each scroll attempt


Script Hooks


Inject JavaScript to on the browser before capturing a Visual AI checkpoint. This will be run on the Ultrafast Grid and not on the local driver that is executing the tests. The intended purpose of this hook is to alter the page state as needed before the Visual AI checkpoint.

scriptHooks: {
beforeCaptureScreenshot: " = 'gray'"

Visual Grid Options

Extra options that are specific to the Ultrafast Grid.


If your application is using adoptedStylesheets (currently only supported in Chrome), set this configuration option to true to polyfill support for that feature in other browsers.

visualGridOptions: {
polyfillAdoptedStyleSheets: true

Other Parameters

tagundefinedStringA descriptive name of the visual AI checkpoint.
sendDomtrueBooleanSend the DOM to the Eyes server for each checkpoint. Required for some features such as RCA and useDom (see below).
variationGroupIdundefinedStringFor more information, see Automated test maintenance of baseline variations.
waitBeforeCapture100NumberNumber of milliseconds to wait before capturing the snapshot. This will also apply between page resizes when using layoutBreakpoints.
useDomfalseBooleanOnly relevant when using the Layout Match Level. Enhances the Layout Match Level by using the DOM to analyze the page along with the screenshot.
enablePatternsfalseBooleanOnly relevant when using the Layout Match Level. Enhances the Layout Match Level.