Supported platforms
One of the common ways to interact with Applitools Eyes is to use a test program or script to call an Applitools SDK to define the sequence of images that should be tested.
In most cases, these test programs also use a test infrastructure, for example, Selenium, Appium, Cypress, or XCUI, to simulate user actions such as mouse clicks and keyboard input. We refer to this as the SDK platform.
When an Eyes test is done using a particular platform, the SDK uses the facilities provided by that platform as part of the process of capturing the application image that is sent to the Eyes server for comparison to the baseline image stored in the Eyes server.
An alternative to using a platform is to use the so called Images SDKs. When you use the SDK image you supply the raw test image, as opposed to defining and a platform defined graphic element or element locator, as such, the Image SDKs are not dependent on any particular test infrastructure.
A list for available SDKs, is available here.