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FloatingBounds class

Platform: Selenium
Language: Python

Used when defining floating regions, to define the distance a region can move without causing a mismatch.

Import statement

from from applitools.selenium import Eyes, Target,from applitools.selenium.visual_grid import VisualGridRunner import FloatingBounds

FloatingBounds method


region = FloatingBounds(max_left_offset, max_up_offset, max_right_offset, max_down_offset)

region = FloatingBounds(max_left_offset, max_up_offset, max_right_offset)

region = FloatingBounds(max_left_offset, max_up_offset)

region = FloatingBounds(max_left_offset)

region = FloatingBounds()



Type: int [Optional : default = 0 ]

The amount the floating region may move to the left.


Type: int [Optional : default = 0 ]

The amount the floating region may move upwards.


Type: int [Optional : default = 0 ]

The amount the floating region may move to the right.


Type: int [Optional : default = 0 ]

The amount the floating region may move downwards.

Return value

Type: FloatingBounds