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RunnerOptions class

An object of this class is used to define options for VisualGridRunner or ClassicRunner.

Using statement

using Applitools.VisualGrid;


The example below demonstrates the creation of a VisualGridRunner instance. It is initialized with a call to the constructor RunnerOptions. A call to TestConcurrency is then appended with a parameter of 10. This runner instance is passed to the Eyes instance when it is created. The end effect is that the runner manages the workflow and concurrency of all Eyes instances that are initialized with that runner. Passing a parameter of 10 means that the runner limits the concurrency to a maximum of 10 active test executions.

private EyesRunner runner = null;
runner = new VisualGridRunner(new RunnerOptions().TestConcurrency(10));
eyes = new Eyes(runner);

RunnerOptions method


runner = new VisualGridRunner(new RunnerOptions().TestConcurrency(10)); 


This method does not take any parameters.

Return value

Type: RunnerOptions

TestConcurrency method


runner = new VisualGridRunner(new RunnerOptions().TestConcurrency(10)); 



Type: int

The maximum number of Eyes tests that can be executed concurrently by this runner.

Return value

Type: RunnerOptions