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Advanced configuration

Configure server URL

By default, Eyes-WebdriverIO communicates with the Applitools public Eyes cloud server, located at

If you have a dedicated cloud or an on-premise server, configure a different Eyes server URL as follows:


Configure proxy

If your company's network requires requests to go through the corporate proxy, you can configure it as follows:


// provide username and password:
// OR
url: '',
username: 'user',
password: 'pass'

// use tunneling in case of HTTP over HTTPS proxy:
url: '',
isHttpOnly: true

Make every visual test correspond to a functional test

Every call to and eyes.close defines a test in Applitools Eyes, and all the calls to eyes.check between them are called "steps". In order to get a test structure in Applitools that corresponds to the test structure in your functional test, you should open/close tests in every test call.

For example, when running with Mocha as a test runner:

describe('My first visual test', function() {
beforeEach(async () => {
await, " website", "My first puppeteer test!")
afterEach(async () => {
await eyes.close()
it('...', async function() {
// ...

Organize tests in batches

You can manage how visual tests are aggregated into batches. Here are two methods for clustering tests into a single batch:

Method 1: environment variable

Run all the processes that execute Puppeteer with the same value for APPLITOOLS_BATCH_ID. For example, run tests with the same randomly generated UUID:

#! Unix based machines:
APPLITOOLS_BATCH_ID=`uuidgen` npm test

You can control the batch name that is displayed in the Test Manager. For example:

export APPLITOOLS_BATCH_ID=`uuidgen`
export APPLITOOLS_BATCH_NAME="Login tests"
npm test

Method 2: eyes.setBatch

Provide all Eyes instances with the same value for batch ID. For example:

name: 'My batch'

Stitch mode

The default stitch mode is Scroll. In order to change it:

const {Eyes, StitchMode} = require('@applitools/eyes-puppeteer')

const eyes = new Eyes()

// to go back to scroll:

Background information

Eyes-WebdriverIO allows you to control if the checkpoint image should include only the viewport - i.e. what you see in the browser window when you first load a page, or if it should also include the full page - i.e. what you would see if you manually scrolled down, or across, a page that is larger than the viewport.

When Eyes-WebdriverIO takes a full page screenshot, it does so by taking multiple screenshots of the viewport at different locations of the page (via the browser driver), and then "stitching" them together. The output is one clear, potentially very large, screenshot of what can be revealed on the page when it is scrolled.

There are two methods for creating the stitched screenshot, and they are both related to the way the page is moved relative to the viewport:

1. Stitch mode: Scroll

Using this method, the page is scrolled, just as a user would scroll. Eyes-WebdriverIO takes the viewport screenshot, then scrolls the page to calculated locations. The issue with this method is that the page might respond to scroll events, and change the way it appears visually between the screenshots.

2. Stitch mode: CSS

Using this method, the page is moved around by changing the CSS property transform on the HTML element with different values for translate(x,y). This method is not sensitive to scroll events, and is usually the recommended method for stitching.

Stitch overlap

The stitch overlap is the length of the intersecting area between two screenshots that are stitched together. It's like placing two printed pictures one on top of the other with some overlapping area between them.

This is useful in cases of fixed elements, like a footer, that show up in each of the sub-screenshots. Using a stitch overlap bigger than the size of the footer would make it disappear from every image, and only show up at the bottom of the full page screenshot.

The default stitch overlap is 50 pixels. To change it:


Match level

The match level determines the way by which Eyes compares the checkpoint image with the baseline image.

The default match level is Strict. To change it:

// Option 1: For the rest of the execution
const {MatchLevel} = require('@applitools/eyes-puppeteer')

// Option 2: For a single checkpoint

For more information, see How to use Eyes match levels in the Eyes Knowledge Center.

Ignore displacements

You can use ignore displacements to hide diffs that arise from content whose position on the page has changed, and focus on mismatches caused by actual changes in the content.

The default is false. To change it:

// For the rest of the execution

// For a single checkpoint

For more information, see Hide displacement diffs tool in the Eyes Knowledge Center.

Test properties

You can provide additional information about each test in custom fields, which can then show up in Test Manager in their own column.

This is done by calling setProperties on the configuration, and providing it with an array of properties with the structure {name, value}. For example:

const {Eyes} = require('@applitools/eyes-puppeteer')

const eyes = new Eyes()

const configuration = eyes.getConfiguration()
configuration.setProperties([{name: 'my custom property', value: 'some value'}])

The test properties could also be specified per batch by calling setProperties on the batch info, and providing it with an array of properties with the structure {name, value}. For example:

const {Eyes, BatchInfo} = require('@applitools/eyes-puppeteer')

const eyes = new Eyes()

const batch = new BatchInfo()
batch.setProperties([{name: 'my custom batch property', value: 'some value'}])

const configuration = eyes.getConfiguration()

Test results

The results of the test can be consumed as the return value from eyes.close. Here's an example for creating a formatted output string out of the TestResults object:

function formatTestResults(testResults) {
return `
Test name : ${testResults.getName()}
Test status : ${testResults.getStatus()}
URL to results : ${testResults.getUrl()}
Total number of steps : ${testResults.getSteps()}
Number of matching steps : ${testResults.getMatches()}
Number of visual diffs : ${testResults.getMismatches()}
Number of missing steps : ${testResults.getMissing()}
Display size : ${testResults.getHostDisplaySize().toString()}
Steps :
.map(step => {
return ` ${step.getName()} - ${getStepStatus(step)}`

function getStepStatus(step) {
if (step.getIsDifferent()) {
return 'Diff'
} else if (!step.getHasBaselineImage()) {
return 'New'
} else if (!step.getHasCurrentImage()) {
return 'Missing'
} else {
return 'Passed'

For the full list of methods, see TestResults class.


To enable logging to the console, use the ConsoleLogHandler class:

import {Eyes, ConsoleLogHandler} from '@applitools/eyes-puppeteer'

const eyes = new Eyes()
eyes.setLogHandler(new ConsoleLogHandler())

// To enable verbose logging:
eyes.setLogHandler(new ConsoleLogHandler(true))

To write logs to file, use the FileLogHandler class. You can configure the file path, verbosity, and whether to append to file.

The API is as follows:

new FileLogHandler(isVerbose, filepath, append)

Default values:

  • isVerbose: false
  • filepath: 'eyes.log' - meaning a file with this name will be created in the current working directory.
  • append: true - meaning that every test will append to the file instead of recreating it.


const {Eyes, FileLogHandler} = require('@applitools/eyes-puppeteer')  
const path = require('path')

const eyes = new Eyes()

// append non-verbose logs to logs/eyes.log (relative to current working directory)
eyes.setLogHandler(new FileLogHandler(false, path.resolve('logs', 'eyes.log')))

// write verbose logs to a new file at logs/eyes-{timestamp}.log (relative to current working directory)
eyes.setLogHandler(new FileLogHandler(true, path.resolve('logs', `eyes-${}.log`), false))