Configuration class
This class is used to create a configuration object that is used to configure an Eyes
object by passing it to the Eyes.setConfiguration
You can use this configuration object instead of using the various Eyes
methods and properties that set the same attributes. Typically you set up a Configuration object by calling its setXXXX methods chained with a '.' in a Fluent coding style. In this class, some attributes can be set by both a property and a set command. The properties allow you simple direct access to assign to and retrieve the attribute. The corresponding set method allows you to set multiple attributes using a Fluent style.
Configuration method
let config = new Configuration();
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
agentId property
config.agentId = configval;
configval = config.agentId;
Type: string
The agent id to be configured.
apiKey property
config.apiKey = configval;
configval = config.apiKey;
Type: string
Your API key.
Set this immediately after the Eyes object is created (before calling open). If you have an environment variable called APPLITOOLS_API_KEY that is set to the value of your API key, then you do not need to call this method, and Eyes will take the string from the environment value.
appName property
config.appName = configval;
configval = config.appName;
Type: string
The application name to be configured for the test.
If you call this method, it must be called before the call to In the call to, if you provide the application parameter, then it will override the value set here. If you don't provide the parameter or pass a null, then the value set here will be used.
baselineBranchName property
config.baselineBranchName = configval;
configval = config.baselineBranchName;
Type: string
The baseline branch name to be configured.
baselineEnvName property
config.baselineEnvName = configval;
configval = config.baselineEnvName;
Type: string
The name of the baseline environment.
batch property
config.batch = configval;
configval = config.batch;
Type: BatchInfoPlain
An object that defines the batch configuration.
branchName property
config.branchName = configval;
configval = config.branchName;
Type: string
The branch name to be used by the configuration.
browsersInfo property
let suiteConfig = {
browsersInfo: [
{ height: value1_number, width: value2_number, name: "chrome" },
{ deviceName: "Galaxy Note 3", screenOrientation: "landscape" },
deviceName: "iPad (7th generation)",
iosVersion: "latest",
screenOrientation: "portrait",
forceFullPageScreenshot property
config.forceFullPageScreenshot = configval;
configval = config.forceFullPageScreenshot;
Type: boolean
hideCaret property
config.hideCaret = configval;
configval = config.hideCaret;
Type: boolean
If True
the cursor will be hidden before the image is captured.
We recommend using this method instead of Eyes.setIgnoreCaret, Configuration.setIgnoreCaret or CheckSettings.ignoreCaret, since this method/property eliminates cursor related artifacts instead of detecting and ignoring them.
hideScrollbars property
config.hideScrollbars = configval;
configval = config.hideScrollbars;
Type: boolean
If True
scrollbars will be hidden.
hostApp property
config.hostApp = configval;
configval = config.hostApp;
Type: string
The value to be used for the Host App property.
hostAppInfo property
config.hostAppInfo = configval;
configval = config.hostAppInfo;
Type: string
hostOS property
config.hostOS = configval;
configval = config.hostOS;
Type: string
The value to be used for the Host OS Property.
hostOSInfo property
config.hostOSInfo = configval;
configval = config.hostOSInfo;
Type: string
matchTimeout property
config.matchTimeout = configval;
configval = config.matchTimeout;
Type: number
The timeout to set in milliseconds.
You can override the default timeout set by this method for a specific set checkpoint by passing a timeout to one of the check_XXXX methods that support a timeout parameter, e.g. eyes.checkwindow (not yet available in puppeteer javascript)
You can also override the timeout for a specific test using the check fluent timeout method
parentBranchName property
config.parentBranchName = configval;
configval = config.parentBranchName;
Type: string
The parent branch name to be configured.
properties property
Syntax = configval;
configval =;
Type: PropertyDataPlain[]
- Set multiple properties by calling Eyes.addProperty or Configuration.addProperty multiple times with the same property name and with different values.
- You should not assign a given value to a property more than once in a given test run.
- You can also associate properties with a batch using BatchInfo.addProperty.
rotation property
config.rotation = configval;
configval = config.rotation;
Type: ImageRotationPlain
Type definitions
The legal values that an image may be rotated by. This may have the following values: -270|-180|-90|0|90|180|270
The number of degrees to rotate.
saveDiffs property
config.saveDiffs = configval;
configval = config.saveDiffs;
Type: boolean
Set to true to configure Save Diffs functionality.
saveNewTests property
config.saveNewTests = configval;
configval = config.saveNewTests;
Type: boolean
If False
, the user will need to save the baseline explicitly in the Test Manager for new tests to be saved to the baseline. If True
, Eyes will automatically create a baseline for tests with a status of 'new' (the default behavior).
sendDom property
config.sendDom = configval;
configval = config.sendDom;
Type: boolean
If True
, DOM information will be sent. If False
, DOM information will not be sent.
Sending DOM information is enabled by default, so use this method only if you have to disable it.
serverUrl property
config.serverUrl = configval;
configval = config.serverUrl;
Type: string
The URL of the Eyes server. Pass a value of null to use the default cloud server.
stitchMode property
config.stitchMode = configval;
configval = config.stitchMode;
The stitch mode to use.
stitchOverlap property
config.stitchOverlap = configval;
configval = config.stitchOverlap;
Type: number
The width of the stitch overlap in pixels.
testName property
config.testName = configval;
configval = config.testName;
Type: string
The test name to be configured for the test.
viewportSize property
config.viewportSize = configval;
configval = config.viewportSize;
Type: RectangleSizePlain
An object that defines the width and height of the test browser viewport in pixels.
visualGridOptions property
config.visualGridOptions = configval;
configval = config.visualGridOptions;
{ [key: string]: any };
The following configuration key/value pairs are currently supported:
Normally, the Ultrafast Grid renders its images using Headless Chrome. There are cases where the behavior of Headless Chrome is different from that of regular Chrome browser, and if the baseline was created with a regular Chrome browser, the differences will be found. Set this option to a value of false to instruct the Ultrafast Grid to use a regular Chrome browser instead of the Headless Chrome browser, so as to eliminate differences that arise because of the different types of Chrome browser.
Adopted Stylesheets are a way to create and distribute reusable styles when using a Shadow DOM. Adopted Stylesheets are not supported by all browsers, so their use may cause mismatches when doing cross-browser validation. By default, when the Ultrafast Grid detects that a page being checked uses Adopted Stylesheets, it will not render that checkpoint, the check will fail, and the test will be aborted. In the Test Manager, the test results for that run will have an Aborted status, and the step that failed will have a Missing status.
To enable rendering of checkpoints that include Adopted Stylesheets, and to ensure that the test can complete successfully, you need to explicitly set the Ultrafast Grid option polyfillAdoptedStyleSheets to a value of true or false:
- Setting a value of true instructs the Ultrafast Grid to polyfill Adopted Stylesheets.
- Setting a value of false instructs the Ultrafast Grid to render the page without polyfilling Adopted Stylesheets.
You can set this option globally using the method Configuration.setVisualGridOption
You can override the global value for a given checkpoint using the method CheckSettings.visualGridOption.
waitBeforeScreenshots property
config.waitBeforeScreenshots = configval;
configval = config.waitBeforeScreenshots;
Type: number
The time to wait in milliseconds. Passing a value of less than or equal to zero will cause the default value to be used.
addBrowser method
let configval = config.addBrowser(browserInfo_dsktp);
let configval = config.addBrowser(browserInfo_chrm);
let configval = config.addBrowser(browserInfo_ios);
let configval = config.addBrowser(browserInfo_obj);
let configval = config.addBrowser(width, height, name);
let configval = config.addBrowser(width, height);
Type: DesktopBrowserInfo
An object that defines the attributes of the browser and the viewport.
Type: ChromeEmulationInfo
An object that defines the attributes of the browser and the viewport.
Type: IOSDeviceInfo
An object that defines the attributes of the browser and the viewport.
Type: { deviceName: DeviceNamePlain; screenOrientation?: ScreenOrientationPlain; };
An object that defines the attributes of the browser and the viewport.
deviceName: DeviceNamePlain;
screenOrientation?: ScreenOrientationPlain;
Type definitions
This type allows passing strings instead of enumerated values, for the list of enum values see DeviceName.
This type allows passing strings instead of enumerated values, for the list of enum values see ScreenOrientation.
Type: number
The width of the browser viewport for this target. The maximum viewport width for all browsers is 5120. If this limit is exceeded, then execution of the checkpoint will fail.
Use this in conjunction with the parameter.
Type: number
The height of the browser viewport for this target. There is no height limit.
Use this in conjunction with the parameter.
Type: BrowserType [Optional ]
The type of browser for this target.
suiteConfig = new Configuration()
.addBrowser(viewPortWidth, viewPortHeight, BrowserType.CHROME)
/* ... other configurations */ ;
* Assign the configuration to all newly created Eyes instances
eyes = new Eyes(runner);
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
By default, the entire page is rendered. The viewport width and height parameters impact the baseline that is chosen, unless the baseline environment configuration has been provided. The viewport passed to the method does not impact the baseline used, but could impact the page layout if the page has any viewport size-sensitive factors such as HTML, CSS or Javascript.
addBrowsers method
let configval = config.addBrowsers(browsersInfo);
Type: ( | DesktopBrowserInfo | ChromeEmulationInfo | IOSDeviceInfo | { deviceName: DeviceNamePlain; screenOrientation?: ScreenOrientationPlain } )[];
One or more browser or device configuration definitions passed as an array or multiple parameters.
Type definitions
This type allows passing strings instead of enumerated values, for the list of enum values see DeviceName.
This type allows passing strings instead of enumerated values, for the list of enum values see ScreenOrientation.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
You can use this method to pass a list of configurations instead of configuring each browser device individually using multiple calls to addBrowser.
addDeviceEmulation method
let configval = config.addDeviceEmulation(deviceName, screenOrientation);
let configval = config.addDeviceEmulation(deviceName);
Type: DeviceName
The name of the device, from the list of devices defined by DeviceName.
Type: ScreenOrientation [Optional ]
Whether the device is in portrait or landscape mode.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
addProperty method
let configval = config.addProperty(name, value);
let configval = config.addProperty(prop);
Type: string
The name of the property.
Type: string
The value associated with the name.
Type: PropertyDataPlain
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
- Set multiple properties by calling Eyes.addProperty or Configuration.addProperty multiple times with the same property name and with different values.
- You should not assign a given value to a property more than once in a given test run.
- You can also associate properties with a batch using BatchInfo.addProperty.
clearProperties method
let configval = config.clearProperties();
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: Configuration
getAccessibilityValidation method
let configval = config.getAccessibilityValidation();
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: AccessibilitySettings
For more information about the Contrast advisor feature see Contrast advisor.
getAgentId method
let configval = config.getAgentId();
config.agentId = configval;
configval = config.agentId;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getApiKey method
let configval = config.getApiKey();
config.apiKey = configval;
configval = config.apiKey;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getAppName method
let configval = config.getAppName();
config.appName = configval;
configval = config.appName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getBaselineBranchName method
let configval = config.getBaselineBranchName();
config.baselineBranchName = configval;
configval = config.baselineBranchName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getBaselineEnvName method
let configval = config.getBaselineEnvName();
config.baselineEnvName = configval;
configval = config.baselineEnvName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getBatch method
let configval = config.getBatch();
config.batch = configval;
configval = config.batch;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: BatchInfo
getBranchName method
let configval = config.getBranchName();
config.branchName = configval;
configval = config.branchName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getDeviceInfo method
let configval = config.getDeviceInfo();
config.deviceInfo = configval;
configval = config.deviceInfo;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getForceFullPageScreenshot method
let configval = config.getForceFullPageScreenshot();
config.forceFullPageScreenshot = configval;
configval = config.forceFullPageScreenshot;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getHideCaret method
let configval = config.getHideCaret();
config.hideCaret = configval;
configval = config.hideCaret;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getHideScrollbars method
let configval = config.getHideScrollbars();
config.hideScrollbars = configval;
configval = config.hideScrollbars;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getHostApp method
let configval = config.getHostApp();
config.hostApp = configval;
configval = config.hostApp;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getHostOS method
let configval = config.getHostOS();
config.hostOS = configval;
configval = config.hostOS;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getIgnoreCaret method
let configval = config.getIgnoreCaret();
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getIgnoreDisplacements method
let configval = config.getIgnoreDisplacements();
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getIsDisabled method
let configval = config.getIsDisabled();
config.getIsDisabled = configval;
configval = config.getIsDisabled;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
If true, then all calls to Eyes are ignored, if false then all calls to Eyes work as usual.
getMatchLevel method
let configval = config.getMatchLevel();
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: MatchLevel
For a full description of the affect of each match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints and regions, How to use Eyes match levels.
getMatchTimeout method
let configval = config.getMatchTimeout();
config.matchTimeout = configval;
configval = config.matchTimeout;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: number
getParentBranchName method
let configval = config.getParentBranchName();
config.parentBranchName = configval;
configval = config.parentBranchName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getProperties method
let configval = config.getProperties(); = configval;
configval =;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: PropertyData[]
getProxy method
let configval = config.getProxy();
config.proxy = configval;
configval = config.proxy;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: ProxySettings
getRotation method
let configval = config.getRotation();
config.rotation = configval;
configval = config.rotation;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: ImageRotation
getSaveDiffs method
let configval = config.getSaveDiffs();
config.saveDiffs = configval;
configval = config.saveDiffs;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getSaveNewTests method
let configval = config.getSaveNewTests();
config.saveNewTests = configval;
configval = config.saveNewTests;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getScaleRatio method
let configval = config.getScaleRatio();
config.scaleRatio = configval;
configval = config.scaleRatio;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: number
getScrollRootElement method
let configval = config.getScrollRootElement();
config.scrollRootElement = configval;
configval = config.scrollRootElement;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Returns the value most recently set using Configuration.setScrollRootElement, or returns an undefined value if this method was not called.
getSendDom method
let configval = config.getSendDom();
config.sendDom = configval;
configval = config.sendDom;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: boolean
getServerUrl method
let configval = config.getServerUrl();
config.serverUrl = configval;
configval = config.serverUrl;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getStitchMode method
let configval = config.getStitchMode();
config.stitchMode = configval;
configval = config.stitchMode;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: StitchMode
getStitchOverlap method
let configval = config.getStitchOverlap();
config.stitchOverlap = configval;
configval = config.stitchOverlap;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: number
getTestName method
let configval = config.getTestName();
config.testName = configval;
configval = config.testName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: string
getViewportSize method
let configval = config.getViewportSize();
config.viewportSize = configval;
configval = config.viewportSize;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: RectangleSize
getVisualGridOptions method
let configval = config.getVisualGridOptions();
config.visualGridOptions = configval;
configval = config.visualGridOptions;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: { [key: string]: any };
getWaitBeforeScreenshots method
let configval = config.getWaitBeforeScreenshots();
config.waitBeforeScreenshots = configval;
configval = config.waitBeforeScreenshots;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: number
setAccessibilityValidation method
let configval = config.setAccessibilityValidation(accessibilityValidation);
Type: AccessibilitySettings
The required accessibility settings. A value of null will disable accessibility checking.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
For more information about the Contrast advisor feature see Contrast advisor.
setAgentId method
let configval = config.setAgentId(agentId);
config.agentId = configval;
configval = config.agentId;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The agent id to be configured.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setApiKey method
let configval = config.setApiKey(apiKey);
config.apiKey = configval;
configval = config.apiKey;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
Your API key.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
Set this immediately after the Eyes object is created (before calling open). If you have an environment variable called APPLITOOLS_API_KEY that is set to the value of your API key, then you do not need to call this method, and Eyes will take the string from the environment value.
setAppName method
let configval = config.setAppName(appName);
config.appName = configval;
configval = config.appName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The application name to be configured for the test.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
If you call this method, it must be called before the call to In the call to, if you provide the application parameter, then it will override the value set here. If you don't provide the parameter or pass a null, then the value set here will be used.
setBaselineBranchName method
let configval = config.setBaselineBranchName(baselineBranchName);
config.baselineBranchName = configval;
configval = config.baselineBranchName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The baseline branch name to be configured.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setBaselineEnvName method
let configval = config.setBaselineEnvName(baselineEnvName);
config.baselineEnvName = configval;
configval = config.baselineEnvName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The name of the baseline environment.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setBatch method
let configval = config.setBatch(batch);
config.batch = configval;
configval = config.batch;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: BatchInfoPlain
An object that defines the batch configuration.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setBranchName method
let configval = config.setBranchName(branchName);
config.branchName = configval;
configval = config.branchName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The branch name to be used by the configuration.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setBrowsersInfo method
let configval = config.setBrowsersInfo(browsersInfo);
config.browsersInfo = configval;
configval = config.browsersInfo;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: ( | DesktopBrowserInfo | ChromeEmulationInfo | IOSDeviceInfo | { deviceName: DeviceNamePlain; screenOrientation?: ScreenOrientationPlain } )[];
List of objects that define browsers and emulated devices to be rendered.
Type definitions
This type allows passing strings instead of enumerated values, for the list of enum values see DeviceName.
This type allows passing strings instead of enumerated values, for the list of enum values see ScreenOrientation.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setDeviceInfo method
let configval = config.setDeviceInfo(deviceInfo);
config.deviceInfo = configval;
configval = config.deviceInfo;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The name of the device - this is displayed in the Device column in the Test Manager.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setForceFullPageScreenshot method
let configval = config.setForceFullPageScreenshot(forceFullPageScreenshot);
config.forceFullPageScreenshot = configval;
configval = config.forceFullPageScreenshot;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: boolean
If True
, Eyes will do scrolling and stitching if necessary. If False
, the result is browser dependent.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setHideCaret method
let configval = config.setHideCaret(hideCaret);
config.hideCaret = configval;
configval = config.hideCaret;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: boolean
If this parameter has a value of true, then the cursor will be hidden before the image is captured.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
We recommend using this method instead of Eyes.setIgnoreCaret, Configuration.setIgnoreCaret or CheckSettings.ignoreCaret, since this method/property eliminates cursor related artifacts instead of detecting and ignoring them.
setHideScrollbars method
let configval = config.setHideScrollbars(hideScrollbars);
config.hideScrollbars = configval;
configval = config.hideScrollbars;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: boolean
If True
scrollbars will be hidden.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setHostApp method
let configval = config.setHostApp(hostApp);
config.hostApp = configval;
configval = config.hostApp;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The value to be used for the Host App property.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setHostOS method
let configval = config.setHostOS(hostOS);
config.hostOS = configval;
configval = config.hostOS;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The value to be used for the Host OS Property.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setIgnoreCaret method
let configval = config.setIgnoreCaret(ignoreCaret);
Type: boolean
If set to true, then Eyes does extra processing to eliminate artifacts introduced by blinking cursors.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
We recommend using setHideCaret or setHideCaret since this eliminates cursor related artifacts instead of detecting and ignoring them.
setIgnoreDisplacements method
let configval = config.setIgnoreDisplacements(ignoreDisplacements);
Type: boolean
If a value of true is passed, then mismatches due to displaced content will not be displayed in the Test Manager. Otherwise, they will be displayed.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
Ignore displacements is only active when using a Match level of Strict or IgnoreColors
setIsDisabled method
let configval = config.setIsDisabled(isDisabled);
config.setIsDisabled = configval;
configval = config.setIsDisabled;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: boolean
If this has a value of true then all method calls to the SDK are ignored. Otherwise, all methods work as usual.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setMatchLevel method
let configval = config.setMatchLevel(matchLevel);
Type: MatchLevel
Available match level values are:
For a description of these match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints, and regions, see Eyes match levels.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
For a full description of the affect of each match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints and regions, How to use Eyes match levels.
setMatchTimeout method
let configval = config.setMatchTimeout(matchTimeout);
config.matchTimeout = configval;
configval = config.matchTimeout;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: number
The timeout to set in milliseconds.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
You can override the default timeout set by this method for a specific set checkpoint by passing a timeout to one of the check_XXXX methods that support a timeout parameter, e.g. eyes.checkwindow (not yet available in puppeteer javascript)
You can also override the timeout for a specific test using the check fluent timeout method
setParentBranchName method
let configval = config.setParentBranchName(parentBranchName);
config.parentBranchName = configval;
configval = config.parentBranchName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The parent branch name to be configured.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setProperties method
let configval = config.setProperties(properties); = configval;
configval =;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: PropertyDataPlain[]
List of propertydata objects.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
- Set multiple properties by calling Eyes.addProperty or Configuration.addProperty multiple times with the same property name and with different values.
- You should not assign a given value to a property more than once in a given test run.
- You can also associate properties with a batch using BatchInfo.addProperty.
setProxy method
let configval = config.setProxy(proxy);
let configval = config.setProxy(url, username, password, isHttpOnly);
let configval = config.setProxy(url, username, password);
let configval = config.setProxy(url, username);
let configval = config.setProxy(url);
let configval = config.setProxy(isEnabled);
config.proxy = configval;
configval = config.proxy;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: ProxySettingsPlain
An object created from the ProxySettings class that contains the user name, password, URI and port.
Type: string
The proxy URL to be used by the serverConnector. If it has a value of null then no proxy is set.
Type: string [Optional ]
The string to pass as the username.
Type: string [Optional ]
The string to pass as the password.
Type: boolean [Optional ]
A value of true specifies that the SDK should communicate with the server using an http tunnel. Use this if your http proxy blocks https communication.
Type: false
If this parameter is provided, then it must have a value of false and it means that use of the proxy is disabled.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setRotation method
let configval = config.setRotation(rotation_lit);
let configval = config.setRotation(rotation_obj);
config.rotation = configval;
configval = config.rotation;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: ImageRotationPlain
The number of degrees to rotate.
A literal object that defines the amount to rotate.
Type definitions
The legal values that an image may be rotated by. This may have the following values: -270|-180|-90|0|90|180|270
Type: ImageRotation
The number of degrees to rotate.
A class object that defines the amount to rotate.
Return value
Type: Configuration
setSaveDiffs method
let configval = config.setSaveDiffs(saveDiffs);
config.saveDiffs = configval;
configval = config.saveDiffs;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: boolean
Set to true to configure Save Diffs functionality.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setSaveNewTests method
let configval = config.setSaveNewTests(saveNewTests);
config.saveNewTests = configval;
configval = config.saveNewTests;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: boolean
If False
, the user will need to save the baseline explicitly in the Test Manager for new tests to be saved to the baseline. If True
, Eyes will automatically create a baseline for tests with a status of 'new' (the default behavior).
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setScaleRatio method
let configval = config.setScaleRatio(scaleRatio);
config.scaleRatio = configval;
configval = config.scaleRatio;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: number
The scale ratio to use.
Return value
Type: Configuration
setScrollRootElement method
let configval = config.setScrollRootElement(scrollRootElement_ele);
let configval = config.setScrollRootElement(scrollRootElement_sel);
config.scrollRootElement = configval;
configval = config.scrollRootElement;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: ElementHandle
The element that should be scrolled.
An element whose position and bounding rectangle defines the region.
Type: Selector
The element that should be scrolled.
A selector to an element whose position and bounding rectangle defines the region.
Type definitions
Used to identify an HTML element defined as string|{selector:string;Type: string}.
Return value
Type: Configuration
setSendDom method
let configval = config.setSendDom(sendDom);
config.sendDom = configval;
configval = config.sendDom;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: boolean
If True
, DOM information will be sent. If False
, DOM information will not be sent.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
Sending DOM information is enabled by default, so use this method only if you have to disable it.
setServerUrl method
let configval = config.setServerUrl(serverUrl);
config.serverUrl = configval;
configval = config.serverUrl;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The URL of the Eyes server. Pass a value of null to use the default cloud server.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setStitchMode method
let configval = config.setStitchMode(stitchMode);
config.stitchMode = configval;
configval = config.stitchMode;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: StitchMode
The stitch mode to use.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setStitchOverlap method
let configval = config.setStitchOverlap(stitchOverlap);
config.stitchOverlap = configval;
configval = config.stitchOverlap;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: number
The width of the stitch overlap in pixels.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setTestName method
let configval = config.setTestName(testName);
config.testName = configval;
configval = config.testName;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: string
The test name to be configured for the test.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setViewportSize method
let configval = config.setViewportSize(viewportSize);
config.viewportSize = configval;
configval = config.viewportSize;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: RectangleSizePlain
An object that defines the width and height of the test browser viewport in pixels.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.
setVisualGridOption method
let configval = config.setVisualGridOption();
This method does not take any parameters.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The following configuration key/value pairs are currently supported:
Normally, the Ultrafast Grid renders its images using Headless Chrome. There are cases where the behavior of Headless Chrome is different from that of regular Chrome browser, and if the baseline was created with a regular Chrome browser, the differences will be found. Set this option to a value of false to instruct the Ultrafast Grid to use a regular Chrome browser instead of the Headless Chrome browser, so as to eliminate differences that arise because of the different types of Chrome browser.
Adopted Stylesheets are a way to create and distribute reusable styles when using a Shadow DOM. Adopted Stylesheets are not supported by all browsers, so their use may cause mismatches when doing cross-browser validation. By default, when the Ultrafast Grid detects that a page being checked uses Adopted Stylesheets, it will not render that checkpoint, the check will fail, and the test will be aborted. In the Test Manager, the test results for that run will have an Aborted status, and the step that failed will have a Missing status.
To enable rendering of checkpoints that include Adopted Stylesheets, and to ensure that the test can complete successfully, you need to explicitly set the Ultrafast Grid option polyfillAdoptedStyleSheets to a value of true or false:
- Setting a value of true instructs the Ultrafast Grid to polyfill Adopted Stylesheets.
- Setting a value of false instructs the Ultrafast Grid to render the page without polyfilling Adopted Stylesheets.
You can set this option globally using the method Configuration.setVisualGridOption
You can override the global value for a given checkpoint using the method CheckSettings.visualGridOption.
suiteConfig = new Configuration()
.setVisualGridOptions(new VisualGridOption("polyfillAdoptedStyleSheets", true))
/* ... other configurations */ ;
* Assign the configuration to all newly created Eyes instances
eyes = new Eyes(runner);
setWaitBeforeScreenshots method
let configval = config.setWaitBeforeScreenshots(waitBeforeScreenshots);
config.waitBeforeScreenshots = configval;
configval = config.waitBeforeScreenshots;
Note that this feature is available as both a method and a property.
Type: number
The time to wait in milliseconds. Passing a value of less than or equal to zero will cause the default value to be used.
Return value
Type: Configuration
The value returned is the object that called the method. This allows you to use a fluent style to call the setXXXX
methods of the Configuration class.