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ImagesCheckSettings class

The methods in this class are used as part of the check Fluent API to configure and execute checkpoints.

To use these methods, first create a target object using a method from the Target class, then call one or more of the methods in this class on the returned object, chaining them one after the other using the '.' operator.

Import statement

import com.applitools.eyes.images.ImagesCheckSettings;      

accessibility method


eyes.check(Target.window().accessibility(region, regionType))



Type: Region

An object that defines a rectangular area in the window.


Type: AccessibilityRegionType

The accessibility type of the region.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings


For more information about the Contrast advisor feature see Contrast advisor.

beforeRenderScreenshotHook method





Type: String

A string with legal JavaScript code.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

content method


eyes.check(Target.window().content(region, regions))



Type: Region

An object that defines a rectangular area in the window.


Type: Region...

An array of Region objects that defines rectangular areas in the checked image.


Type: Region[]

An array of Region objects that defines rectangular areas in the checked image.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


You can call this method in two ways - with parameters and without parameters. The meaning of the method, and the way it can be used is different in each case. When the method is called without parameters it sets the default match level for this target. When called with one or more regions as parameters it defines the match level for that region. The sections below provide some more details regarding how to use this method in each of these modes.

Called without parameters

If this method is called without parameters then it sets the default match level for this target. This overrides the hard-coded default and the default match level defined by using setMatchLevel.

For a given target you may call only one of the following methods (without parameters) that set a target default match level:

Called with parameters

When the method is called with one or more parameters that define one or more regions, then these set the match level for those regions, overiding the defaults set for the target (by calling these methods without a parameter), set by setMatchLevel and the hardcoded default match level.

You may define multiple regions that have an explicit match level by calling this method multiple times in a chain, or by passing the method multiple regions.

The region matchlevel methods strict(regions), layout(regions), content(regions), strictRegions(regions), layoutRegions(regions), and contentRegions(regions) should not overlap each other or the regions defined using checksettings.ignore (regions) or ignoreRegions(regions). If they overlap with each other, or regions that were defined using the Test Manager, then the results are undefined.

For a full description of the affect of each match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints and regions, How to use Eyes match levels.

exact method




This method does not take any parameters.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


This method sets the default match level for this target. This overrides the hard-coded default and the default match level defined by using setMatchLevel.

For a given target you may call only one of the following methods that set a target default match level:

To set a match level for a one or more regions within a target use one of the following methods:

For a full description of the affect of each match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints and regions, How to use Eyes match levels.

floating method


eyes.check(Target.window().floating(maxOffset, regions))
eyes.check(Target.window().floating(region, maxUpOffset, maxDownOffset, maxLeftOffset, maxRightOffset))



Type: int

The maximum amount that the region can shift in any direction and still be considered matching.


Type: Region...

One or more region definitions.


Type: Region

An object that defines the region.


Type: int

The maximum amount that the region can shift upwards and still be considered matching.


Type: int

The maximum amount that the region can shift downwards and still be considered matching.


Type: int

The maximum amount that the region can shift to the left and still be considered matching.


Type: int

The maximum amount that the region can shift to the right and still be considered matching.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


You may call this method multiple times in a given chain; each call defines a different floating region. Floating regions may not overlap each other or other types of regions, such as ignore or match level regions.

ignore method


eyes.check(Target.window().ignore(region, regions))



Type: Region

An object that defines a rectangular area in the window.


Type: Region...

An array of Region objects that defines rectangular areas in the checked image.


Type: Region[]

An array of Region objects that defines rectangular areas in the checked image.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


You may call this method multiple times in a given chain.

Ignore regions should not overlap each other or other types of regions such as floating or match level regions.

ignoreCaret method





Type: boolean

If this parameter has a value of true, then Eyes will detect artifacts caused by a blinking cursor and will not report a mismatch for differences caused by these artifacts. If it has a value of , then Eyes will not try to detect artifacts caused by blinking cursors. If no parameter is passed then the default value is true - so the cursor artifacts will be ignored.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


You may only call this method once in a given chain.

ignoreDisplacements method





Type: boolean

If a value of true is passed, then mismatches due to displaced content will not be displayed in the Test Manager. Otherwise, they will be displayed.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings


Ignore displacements is only active when using a Match level of STRICT or IGNORECOLORS

layout method


eyes.check(Target.window().layout(region, regions))



Type: Region

An object that defines a rectangular area in the window.


Type: Region...

Zero or more additional rectangle objects separated by commas or passed as an array.


Type: Region[]

An array of Region objects that defines rectangular areas in the checked image.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


You can call this method in two ways - with parameters and without parameters. The meaning of the method, and the way it can be used is different in each case. When the method is called without parameters it sets the default match level for this target. When called with one or more regions as parameters it defines the match level for that region. The sections below provide some more details regarding how to use this method in each of these modes.

Called without parameters

If this method is called without parameters then it sets the default match level for this target. This overrides the hard-coded default and the default match level defined by using setMatchLevel.

For a given target you may call only one of the following methods (without parameters) that set a target default match level:

Called with parameters

When the method is called with one or more parameters that define one or more regions, then these set the match level for those regions, overiding the defaults set for the target (by calling these methods without a parameter), set by setMatchLevel and the hardcoded default match level.

You may define multiple regions that have an explicit match level by calling this method multiple times in a chain, or by passing the method multiple regions.

The region matchlevel methods strict(regions), layout(regions), content(regions), strictRegions(regions), layoutRegions(regions), and contentRegions(regions) should not overlap each other or the regions defined using checksettings.ignore (regions) or ignoreRegions(regions). If they overlap with each other, or regions that were defined using the Test Manager, then the results are undefined.

For a full description of the affect of each match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints and regions, How to use Eyes match levels.

matchLevel method





Type: MatchLevel

Available match level values are:

For a description of these match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints, and regions, see Eyes match levels.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


The value provided here overrides the default match level, or the global value set for this target using Eyes.setMatchLevel or Configuration.setMatchLevel. You may only call this method once in a given chain. If you call this method, then you can't call the other match level methods. ImagesCheckSettings.strictImagesCheckSettings.contentImagesCheckSettings.layoutImagesCheckSettings.exact

For a full description of the affect of each match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints and regions, How to use Eyes match levels.

strict method


eyes.check(Target.window().strict(region, regions))



Type: Region

An object that defines a rectangular area in the window.


Type: Region...

An array of Region objects that defines rectangular areas in the checked image.


Type: Region[]

An array of Region objects that defines rectangular areas in the checked image.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


You can call this method in two ways - with parameters and without parameters. The meaning of the method, and the way it can be used is different in each case. When the method is called without parameters it sets the default match level for this target. When called with one or more regions as parameters it defines the match level for that region. The sections below provide some more details regarding how to use this method in each of these modes.

Called without parameters

If this method is called without parameters then it sets the default match level for this target. This overrides the hard-coded default and the default match level defined by using setMatchLevel.

For a given target you may call only one of the following methods (without parameters) that set a target default match level:

Called with parameters

When the method is called with one or more parameters that define one or more regions, then these set the match level for those regions, overiding the defaults set for the target (by calling these methods without a parameter), set by setMatchLevel and the hardcoded default match level.

You may define multiple regions that have an explicit match level by calling this method multiple times in a chain, or by passing the method multiple regions.

The region matchlevel methods strict(regions), layout(regions), content(regions), strictRegions(regions), layoutRegions(regions), and contentRegions(regions) should not overlap each other or the regions defined using checksettings.ignore (regions) or ignoreRegions(regions). If they overlap with each other, or regions that were defined using the Test Manager, then the results are undefined.

For a full description of the affect of each match levels and the different ways to apply them to tests, checkpoints and regions, How to use Eyes match levels.

variationGroupId method





Type: String

The value of the variation group ID to be set.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

withName method





Type: String

The name to be given to this check point.

Return value

Type: ICheckSettings

The value returned is the object that called the method. You can use it to call other methods supported by the object class.


You may only call this method once in a given chain.