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3.44.6 (July 24, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Log no longer includes full content of web resources

3.44.5 (Jun 26, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error in cy.eyesGetResults
  • Non-Eyes tests no longer appear as empty tests in the Eyes dashboard


  • Improved layout algorithm
  • Improved support for automation framework retries to avoid having duplicate tests

3.44.4 (May 28, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Internal improvements

3.44.3 (May 28, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Improved handling of network connection issues
  • Resolved issue with excessive heartbeat requests being sent

3.44.2 (May 7, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • The layout algorithm now takes page information from input values


  • If git is not available, the SDK now takes APPLITOOLS_GIT_LATEST_COMMIT_TIMESTAMP and APPLITOOLS_GIT_LATEST_COMMIT_SHA environment variables to set the latest git commit information.
  • Custom domains for the Eyes server URL are now supported.

3.44.1 (May 1, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Using stale context after reload
  • Resolved issue with Ultrafast Grid rendering URLs that contained certain Unicode characters.
  • The SDK now detects if Native Mobile Library has been injected only once per driver.
  • Resolved issue with the matchTimeout configuration not being applied correctly.

3.44.0 (Apr 15, 2024)


  • Improved heuristic to detect the latest commit SHA and timestamp to improve conflict management

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved issue with region coordinates not calculated correctly

3.43.1 (Apr 1, 2024)

Bug Fixes

  • Internal improvements

3.43.0 (Mar 31, 2024)


  • Added the option to include a merge timestamp using the gitMergeBaseTimestamp configuration method
  • Added support for parallel push and PR flows, using the APPLITOOLS_BATCH_BUILD_ID environment variable
  • The Eyes server now automatically aborts abandoned tests

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid using deprecated webdriver commands
  • Improved stability when deploying Eyes updates

3.42.0 (Feb 29, 2024)

Bug fixes

  • The Eyes server URL can now include a path, for example
  • Fixed issue executing DOM-Capture script
  • Resolved issue with port collision when running tests with Execution Cloud

3.41.0 (Feb 13, 2024)

Bug fixes

  • An error is now generated when there is a non-Unicode character
  • Resolved issue with CDP commands in Chromium

3.40.7 (Jan 30, 2024)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue when using layoutBreakpoints with the reload parameter


  • Added support for configuring proxy settings using APPLITOOLS_PROXY_URL environment variable

3.40.6 (Jan 16, 2024)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue parsing media when using Ultrafast Grid

3.40.5 (Jan 2, 2024)


  • When using visual locators, results of locate method are now ordered based on location on the screen starting from top left.

Bug fixes

  • Improved error handling while taking a DOM snapshot
  • Fixed handling of tests with multiple steps using Applitools Native Mobile Library
  • Custom OS name passed through configuration is now passed to the session correctly

3.40.4 (Dec 19, 2023)

Bug fixes

  • Screenshots are now scaled properly in iOS devices with Appium 2
  • Fixed infinite loop that may appear during attribute extraction
  • Resolved performance issue with multiple runners within the same process

3.40.3 (Dec 18, 2023)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue when page didn't reload for one of the breakpoints if the initial viewport size matches it

3.40.2 (Dec 12, 2023)


  • Improvements to Applitools Native Mobile Library
  • Applitools Windows binaries are now signed
  • Improved DOM snapshot elements extraction in Ultrafast Grid

Bug fixes

  • Added support for LazyLoad when reloading the page using layoutBreakpoints

3.40.1 (Dec 5, 2023)


  • Added eyesGetResults method

Bug fixes

  • Improved concurrency support

3.40.0 (Nov 21, 2023)


  • A notification now appears if there is a newer version of the SDK

Bug fixes

  • An error is thrown if there is an exception in the configuration file
  • Preserve css declarations order in dom-snapshot
  • devtool commands are now supported in all Chromium browsers
  • Long running tasks no longer time out
  • Test results are now generated even if there is an unexpected error in some of the tests

3.39.1 (Nov 7, 2023)

Bug fixes

  • Handled duplicated style properties in inline style tags in UFG tests
  • UFG requests that respond with a 503 error are now automatically retried
  • Fixed issue that caused DOM snapshots to be taken for different viewport sizes when layout breakpoints were explicitly turned off

3.39.0 (Oct 30, 2023)


  • Added the option to fail on diffs after all spec files

Bug fixes

  • iosVersion is now mapped correctly
  • Safe selectors are now generated as close as possible to taking DOM snapshot

3.38.0 (Sep 05, 2023)


  • Added the option to fail on diffs after all spec files

3.37.0 (Aug 18, 2023)


  • Added the option to fail on visual diffs after all spec files

Bug fixes

  • Optimized driver usage on eyes.close

3.36.2 (Aug 10, 2023)


  • Internal improvements

3.36.1 (Aug 08, 2023)

Bug fixes

  • Internal improvements

3.36.0 (Aug 08, 2023)


  • Improved log event on

3.35.1 (Aug 08, 2023)


  • Custom headers are now supported for resource fetching

3.35.0 (Aug 03, 2023))


  • Added stuck request retries to all requests to UFG and Eyes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed workspace dependencies
  • Updated serverUrl property name
  • Log Event settings are now populated with with env vars
  • Extract device orientation from a browser for web executions
  • Improved orientation extraction for iOS devices

3.34.1 (Jul 05, 2023)


  • Added support for DNS caching
  • Added binaries and made them available in jfrog

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with getResults log appearing in console when file handler is configured

3.34.0 (Jul 01, 2023)


  • Added getResults API

Bug fixes

  • Improved implementation to delete tests