Installing the TestGenAI Plugin

The complimentary TestGenAI plugin is needed to work correctly with the recorded tests in your Cypress framework.

If you do not currently have or use Cypress, you can download or clone this Cypress example project to get started.

The TestGenAI plugin requires Cypress version 10 or later

To Install the TestGenAI Plugin

  1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your Cypress project.

  2. Install and initialize the NPM package:

    npm install @applitools/testgenai-cypress
    npx @applitools/testgenai-cypress init

If the NPX installation fails for any reason, follow the manual installation instructions on our NPM page. This page also contains additional configuration options you can enable or disable for the plugin in the cypress.config.js file. See the instructions on the NPM page for further details.