Get Results API

The Get Results API retrieves results from a test or plan that has previously run. To use this API, you need the plan run ID, which you can find on the Results page. Next to a result, click > Details.

By default, your personal API key does not have read permissions. If an administrator has not modified these permissions and your API key lacks read access, you will also need a read token, which is available from the Execute Plan API results.


If you use a customized API key with read permissions:

GET /api/result/{run_id}?apiKey={api_key}

If you use an API key with default permissions:

GET /api/result/{run_id}?apiKey={api_key}&read_token={read_token}


Parameter Type Represents
run_id String The unique identifier for a specific plan or test run
api_key String The API key. For details, see REST APIs.
read_token String The token required to read the results if your API key lacks read permissions.

For an example of how to retrieve the plan run ID and read token, see Execute a Plan or Test API.

Example of GET Command

The following command returns details of a plan:

GET /api/result/3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6?apiKey=AuoT101103alCTIDKifxP7oJOJLcNgNI110uujevqI3V16NeM110


The API returns the results of the plan run:

  "result": {
    "id": "ac247a18-75d5-4094-8ab3-56788d6d2ff9",
    "name": " plan",
    "application": " app",
    "status": "failed",
    "environments": [
        "name": "env-name_lvc0ei",
        "os": "Linux",
        "viewport": "1442x3227",
        "device": "Desktop",
        "browser": "Chrome"
        "name": "firefox_ltr6xexec",
        "os": "Linux",
        "viewport": "690x490",
        "device": "Desktop",
        "browser": "Firefox"
        "name": "Chrome",
        "os": "Linux",
        "viewport": "1440x900",
        "device": "Desktop",
        "browser": "Chrome"
    "started_at": "2023-10-24T13:00:12.463Z",
    "duration": 228669,
    "results": {
      "failed": 3,
      "passed": 12,
      "aborted": 0,
      "pending": 0,
      "unresolved": 0
    "tests": [
        "id": "fcc41ac2-95e6-4fed-93d1-c609483300e4",
        "name": "",
        "status": "failed",
        "type": "sitemap_test",
        "sitemap": "",
        "results": {
          "failed": 3,
          "passed": 12,
          "aborted": 0,
          "pending": 0,
          "unresolved": 0